October 10, 2009

Set Your Goals On the Cover Of AP

Update! I've been lacking in the updates for a little. I've been soo busy with work and school. I have a whole load of albums I want to review because it seems like the last 5 months everyone has been coming out and dropping some new shit on us! Hopefully this week I will be working out getting out a song preview of albums I want to review in the next month!

Set Your Goals! To give you something to keep your little hearts content I thought I would plug one of my favorite bands because AP has put them on the cover of their Magazine this month. Kudos to you AP for manging to make this band look somewhat physically attractive! I had to do a double take to make sure it was really them. Lately I've shunned away from purchasing AP unlike in my past because either my music taste has grown (better or worse in your opinion) or AP is just plastering some really shitty bands on their covers now-a-days, but whatever the reason it is I haven't been to0 inclined to dish out 5 bucks unless its an artist I really like. I'm glad SYG is starting to really get the recognition they deserve. The article inside reads like any other AP article does so really it's not worth the $5 dollars. This issue was also on the light side compared to prior issues I've bought of AP. I guess everyone is starting to get cheap. Seeing Set Your Goals on The Fall Ball bill along side The Academy Is.. actually had an adverse effect on me. I thought the only place I would see those two names beside each other and Mayday Parade was on the t-shirt wall in Hot Topic. I've always thought two bands I really liked touring together would be an awesome mixture but in this case it makes me want to throw up a little, put a dash of the likes of You and Me at Six and The Secret Handshake and I have to think "Who the hell do AP think they're appealing too?" It makes me sad to think of the inevitable bleeding of my ears when I would hear "Miserable at Best" and then not fully be able to enjoy "Mutiny!" during Set Your Goal's set list. Maybe Set Your Goals have not fully paid their dues yet, but they deserve some better touring bands than The Secret Handshake.